+(502) 4052-0421 travel@dmcgt.com

Every year, a group of business students from Seattle University visit Guatemala as part of a short-term faculty lead study tour. The program encompasses learning about the Guatemalan economy by visiting an array of micro and large businesses, combined with cultural tours, and a service learning experience, amongst some. The program is managed and operated by DMC Guatemala. As part of Seattle University’s ongoing support towards the Guatemalan people, we try to give back to the communities by incorporating a social component into the program. Support for the communities usually involves monetary or in-kind donations, and service work, amongst some.

During our summer 2015 program, we immersed in the town of San Juan La Laguna during three days. San Juan La Laguna is a small town on the southern shore of Lake Atitlan. The population is approximately 95% Tz’utujil. Agriculture is most important for the economy, with the service sector growing, especially as the number of tourists increase. Some of the activities during our stay in San Juan La Laguna included:

  • A give away of Frisbees to the local school, where we also had the opportunity to play with the children and introduce them to the game of “Ultimate Frisbee”
  • Supporting local families by using home-stays instead of hotels.
  • Seattle University business school students provided strategic guidance to a start-up organic farm in the areas of marketing, finance and sustainability.

All these activities were made possible by an organization that has been doing great development work in San Juan La Laguna. The organization, called “Magic Carpet Ride”, is founded and operated by two Americans who devote their time to this charming town. You can read more about Seattle U’s work at San Juan La Laguna here: http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=6ee9fafea54f997cb952d1f68&id=f0d6b68e03

Seattle University looks forward to continuing their efforts in supporting the wonderful people of San Juan La Laguna.

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